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Autor: Natalia Arzamastseva

Water and the Environment in Central Eurasia: A Workshop in Honor of Julia Obertreis

The workshop will focus on the relations between humans and the environment in Central Eurasia in past and present. We gather in honor of Julia Obertreis, whose pioneering work on the history of water and water infrastructure in Central Asia offered new ways to see the region.


Die Veranstaltungsreihe, die das Büro Georgien der Max Weber Stiftung in Kooperation mit verschiedenen Partnereinrichtungen im Südkaukasus durchführt, greift anhand einzelner Themen diese Debatten auf.

CfP: Recovering & Uncovering the Past of Diverse Communities in Imperial Spaces: Memory and Self-Organization in Urban Centres of the Eastern European and Ottoman Realms

[closed] The OI Istanbul and the Georgia Branch Office of the MWF in Tbilisi are jointly organizing a two-day workshop on the everyday life of urban communities in minority position in imperial pasts.